Peach Delight Pop ups


Peach Delight Pop ups, after the very successful Peach Delight Dumbbell Wafter, we have now produced the same dumbbell in Pop up form, highly buoyant with a subtle pinky orange colour. Very useful cut in half and used to top a hard hooker of your choice!

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Peach Delight Pop ups, after the very successful Peach Delight Dumbbell Wafter, we have now produced the same dumbbell in Pop up form, highly buoyant with a subtle pinky orange colour. Very useful cut in half and used to top a hard hooker of your choice!

Swirl Liquor 120ml

Peach Delight Pop ups, after the very successful Peach Delight Dumbbell Wafter, we have now produced the same dumbbell in Pop up form, highly buoyant with a subtle pinky orange colour. Very useful cut in half and used to top a hard hooker of your choice!

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